CTECS’ Efforts to Promote Trade Jobs

On May 10, Jessica, owner of Jessica’s Color Room Salon, participated in the Connecticut Technical Education and Career System (CTECS) Program Advisory Committee meeting held at Wilcox Technical High School. Jessica, along with the other participants from a range of trades, provided feedback to contribute to CTECS' vision of being a primary workforce pipeline for Connecticut. CTECS prepares trade-bound students to meet the skilled workforce needs in Connecticut.

“I'm privileged to have the opportunity to contribute valuable insights that will help increase recognition of trade-oriented job prospects,” said Jessica. “Trade careers offer a wide range of opportunities that are often overlooked, yet they are fulfilling and financially rewarding.”

Specific feedback from the meeting included finding potential opportunities with industry partners to expose children to trades earlier and figuring out how to engage and involve parents in conversations with their elementary and middle school children around trades. Professional development and trade show attendance for teachers were other topics touched upon, as were job shadowing and mentoring for students. From the ideas generated, CTECS will compose an action plan that it will review in the Fall.

Highlighting the benefits of trade jobs and promoting them as viable career paths will attract more young people to join the workforce, reduce unemployment, and address the skills gap in various sectors of the economy. Additionally, promoting trade careers can help bridge the gender gap by encouraging more women to take up trades and pursue careers in areas traditionally dominated by men. So, Governments, businesses, and organizations have an important role in joining forces to promote trade opportunities, which is why the CTECS Program Advisory Committee plays a key role in helping to encourage young people to explore the trades.